Discover Sculptra

Restore your natural collagen

Sculptra helps restore your skin’s foundation by stimulating your natural collagen production to firm and smooth the entire cheek region and tighten the skin along the jawline.2-5*

*95% of patients had improved skin glow 2 years after Sculptra treatment.1

Helps rejuvenate the skin’s foundation and lasts for up to 2 years2,4,5*

Unlike hyaluronic acid fillers, which fill lines, wrinkles, and folds, Sculptra is the original FDA-approved poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA-SCA) collagen stimulator that can improve skin glow, tightness, and jawline contour for up to 2 years.2,3,5,6†

*Treatment regimen is typically 3 injections over the course of 3 or 4 months. Individual results and treatment sessions may vary. Clinical trial ended at 2 years.
195% of patients had improved skin glow 2 years after Sculptra treatment.1Actual patient. Individual results may vary.

Skin that feels like you again

Explore by treatment area

Restore natural collagen and improve skin quality for firmer, glowing skin in the entire cheek region. Help tighten skin along the cheeks and jawline.1-3,5,6

Soften and improve smile lines by gradually reducing the appearance of facial folds and wrinkles.

Smooth the lines that run from your mouth to your chin.2,5

& After

Actual patient treated with 8 mL of Sculptra, 3 vials over 2 sessions. Six months afterinitial treatment. Individual results and treatment regimens may vary.*Clinical study ended at 96 weeks (2 years).

What is Collagen?

Collagen is a fibrous protein that helps maintain your skin’s shape and structure. The skin needs collagen to resist signs of aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging.3-5 By age 40, most of us have lost up to 20% of our natural collagen.

2Sculptra helps stimulate natural collagen production.6 The poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA-SCA) in Sculptra forms a framework that helps support and maintain the skin’s inner structure, which may lead to a more youthful-looking appearance.1,3-5